Being off of work today for the holiday calls for a later morning run than usual. I enjoy these runs, they tend to be more for leisure than "training". Ran 3.25 miles along the common Medford Lakes 5K race loop that they use for several 5K races throughout the year. In the summer it is much hotter at 10:00am than 6:30am.
Doing 14 miles yesterday normally would of given me the day off today, but for Marathon training purposes I ran the scheduled amount of miles. I mean come on, it's only 3 and nice warmup!
When I do a long run, depending on the circumstances, an old injury haunts me. I was 16, I think, sprained my ankle on a trail run and developed an Accessory Navicula bone next to my ankle. It's an extra bone that happens to mostly flat footed adolescent girls if they use it accessively or have a trauma to the area.
It's the only thing that ails me. When it bothers me, like today, it feels like I have a big rock in my shoe when I run and when I am at rest, the pain is dull and when I walk it is very painful and stiff feeling. It usually takes me a full day for the recover from a long run. (12+ miles) It can be removed surgically, probably would make me faster in the long run (haha!) but I would have to take at least 6 months off of running, I'd rather deal with the 1 day per week of painful walking than to stop running.
So needless to say, my short run this morning was a minute slower per mile than I wanted, but better to take it easy.
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